Champions League Spring 2017

Champions League BCAPL Standings are now LIVE on CueSports Internationals new League Management Software!!

This is our 19th Season at Champions League and our 4th season of using FargoRate as our rating system.

Overall in 3.1 seasons with Fargo we have an outstanding Hill-Hill percentage of 58% of all matches!!!!!  You can’t come close to touching that anywhere else!

What does LIVE mean?  Stats are updated real-time as I key them into the system every week.  AND the data is fed nightly into FargoRate and CSI and players ratings are updated the next day!

Here is a snapshot of Todd Rowitz’s FargoRate in the system.  Every Players handicap is generated from scratch every single day.  The bottom record was 2/22 where he had 1643 games in the system and rating of 582.138 (582), 5 games from the first week of league were entered on 2/23 and on 2/24 his robustness went up 5 games and score fluctuated slightly to 581.154 (581)
